Here you will find information & pictures of things I am doing to support Teen Pregnancy Prevention!
1st Mall Presentation of the year... about 250-300 people came to talk, take goodies, or just comment on the display.
VERY good outcome!
I did this on April 5, 2008, for almost 11 hours!
YES, I was on the Star Jones T.V. Show (court t.v.) It was an amazing
experience! It was held on December 19, 2007
I adopted a highway near my house. I will clean the highway starting in May. The sign was put up on April 17th! It reads,
"Teen Pregnancy Prevention!"
Nicole's Teen Pregnancy Prevention "work area"... It's simply amazing! I have at least 25 posters of all different topics,
along with everything you see in the picture. Someday, my "work area" will proably be 10 x's this! :)