Teen Pregnancy & Parenting

About Nicole:

Pregnant or Not?
Information for Pregnant Women
Information for Fathers
Prenatal Care
School-Age Kids
For Parents
Medical Care
Abuse & Violence
Child & Money
Birth Control
Reality Check
Telling parents?!
Legal Issues
Marriage & Divorce
Adoption and Abortion
Did You Know?
Baby Names
Bill Of Rights
MTV 16 & Pregnant
About Nicole:
Contact Nicole
Nicole's Brochure
New Pictures

Here you'll learn about myself (Nicole). I will include web sites that I have had my story published on. I will also include information about myself.


Hello guest!
I hope my web site helped you with understanding more about Teen Pregnancy, Parenting, and Prevention. If you have any questions, please e-mail me, or write them in my guest book.
A Special Thank You!! (NEW)
I wouldn't have ever gotten this far with my passion, without the help from a lady named Beth, and a lady named Kat. With their help, I have gotten into the schools I've gone to, and have supported me. I also have had help from many organizations, and those certain people have a special place in my heart. I'd like to say thank you to a lady named Elaine for all the things she has done and continues to do for me. Last but not least- a lady named Angie, she is wonderful literally! I can't forget Kathy and Robin from Reality Works... I appreciate having Baby Hannah to take to schools, and such with me.  Also, a thank you to my family for helping me and supporting me with all I do!
I am planning on publishing a book... My book is about my life experience as a teen mother, but it's becoming a fun book for teenagers. If you are carious to know more details... just ask! :)
Well, I am finally a graduate! I graduated on June, 2007. I had to take a few extra classes with a another year after my anitcipated graduation year, 2006.
I had the chance to attend College and love it:)
"Reach for the stars... and the stars will reach you!"

My Goal:
To change one persons mind about becoming a young parent.
Whether it's one young teenager, or one parent/granparent of a young teenager.

I did my first mall presentation on April 25th, 2007: The presentation over all was a great "hit", and I would like to do it more often. Be sure to look for me at the mall! =)

I was one of Sex, Etc.'s weekly winners (4-27-07)of the I'M TABOO Writing Contest. Sex, Etc. is an award-winning national magazine and Web site on sexual health that is written by teens, for teens.

Reality Works Newsletter

T.V. Shows I have been on:
*Star Jones (December 19, 2007)

May 8, 2008, on Channel 7 News

"My Story" located on these web sites:

High School Newsletter

Youth Noise

Stand Up Girl

Next Step Magazine

Baby 2 See

Slchiinc Newsletter

Slchiinc web page

Slchiinc Site

Cool Nurse

JCC Cannon Newsletter (ask to read it)

Magazine's that I have had "My Story" published in:

Next Step Magazine


Here are what people are saying about Nicki:

"All speaking is public speaking whether it's to one person or a thousand." ~ Roger Love


(I won the 2007 Jefferson County Youth Bureau Youth Leadership Award.)




"I wanted to say congratulations and I'm very proud of you. I saw you applied to JCC and I just wanted to say that you are my inspiration when times get tough and I think I can't go on. You are a strong, good willed, caring, intelligent, amazing girl and I am honored to know you and to know your story. I also wanted to say you should be proud of yourself and lizzy will be so proud of you when she eventually understands what you did. "



"I had all the faith in you and you deserve great things."



"Your very strong and have a good head on your shoulders."



"Magmahal, magtaya at magpalaya"



"ur amazin for having one so young"



"Wow your incredible and congrats on your graduation soon"



"U sound really brave, especially wiv wot u've been thru! i admire u 4 goin 2 skool aswell, fair play 2 u! Wish u all da best! x"

~Zoe Brooks


"I must say I'm quite amazed by your story and your accomplishments both as a teen and a teen mom."

~Jaymee Waddington


"Wow your doing alot im proud"



"You chose the harder path and I am sure that one day your daughter will thank you."



"I think that you are definetly one of the most brave people I have ever read about anywhere."



"Well congratulations and thank you for the example of taking resonsibility and pursuing you eduacation with a child...for the girls out there who say "I cant finish school with a baby" or "I didnt mean to get pregnant...I'll have an abortion" please look at this example and know that it is possible......God has different plans for us all..."



"Hey Nicki, it's nice to see that you are doing good and enjoying your time with your daughter. You sound like you are a very good mom."



"I am proud of you ! Keep up the good work!"

~Mr S. (Former teacher at my high school: English)





"mommytoele, this is a beautiful story and very well written!"



"You looked great and your presentation was awsome i am sure everyone loved it just as much as me."



"I'm sorry for all the stress you've had to endure.  It's hard to believe you're only 19.  Please go to college, it will be worth it, trust me on that! I wish you the best of luck."



"Thank you Nicole, Thank you for being there when I need someone just to talk  to... you are an angel."



"You are an amazing young lady, Nicky!!"



“I just wanted to tell you that I’m so proud of you for graduating!
                                    You look so beautiful in your picture too! You have overcome all the statistics that were taught in health class or sex-ed,
                                    and I want you to know you truly are an amazing woman and mother!!!!! Hope everything is going well. Miss you!”
“Congratulations Nicole!!! You deserve
                                    to be so proud of yourself...It  takes so much hard work and sacrifice to graduate
                                    when you are a teen mom. Your daughter will have a better life because you have made the sacrifices to have a high school
                                    diploma. I hope all of your dreams come true!”

"I was at a meeting today and people - especially Trenton Clark - had very lovely things to say about you. You should be really proud for all you have accomplished."



" I know how demanding college can be.....I can't imagine being a Mom on top of that.......my Hat's off to you!!!!"



"I'm very proud of you. As you know, not everyone makes it like you did.  I will always remember you.  You have no idea how many people in my "present life" I've bragged about you to.  Rest assured, when you go to bed at night, somebody admires and loves you -me!"

~Rose Darby (Former principal at my school)


"There aren’t many people in this world like u these days." ~Nikki~


"I cannot describe in words clearly enough of the pride I have knowing you.  You are an amazing young woman and extraordinary mom.  You have grown tremendously since the time we first met…years ago now. Always remember the gift you are. Many blessings for you and your family."
~Angie, Planned Parenthood


“idk how you do it i mean u take care of everything u need to do for the baby and everything do volunteer stuff and help ppl make the right choice”

~Nick Defranco (South Jefferson HS Student)


“Thanks for contacting me!  I’ve heard great things about you and would love to chat some day and see what you know about teen pregnancy prevention in the State of New York.”

~ Merri Johnson, Reality Works


“I seek your help because you where a teen mom”

~ Krissie Bellrose

Great story!
~Kim Fingar 

“That’s so wonderful Nicole! Thanks for sending this to me. It’s always great to see others spreading your inspirational message! Hope all is well!!!


Good for you!  What good publicity!  You have obviously touched more lives than you know!”
Talk to you soon-

“great I love getting your good news….take care”

~Mrs. T


“Please know, Nicole, I am always here if you need me. Please take care, best wishes with the job hunt, and keep in touch. All the best”
Courtney, JCC


“Hi Nicole, What an incredible site. I am very proud of you for all that you have accomplished. I wish you every happiness, Nicole. You deserve so much, because you have overcome so much and have made it through. Keep in touch and keep reaching for those bright and brilliant stars.”
Courtney, JCC


“Just wanted to say hey, and I hope you're doing well!”



i saw you on tv thats was pretty cool. iam glad your doing what you are doing, keep it up!!”


You did a great job on your web site, Nicole.   Thanks for sending me the address so I could see it.  Keep up the good work.”  ~Ginny


I have faith in you Nicole and I know you're going to be an excellent author! Congratulations on the new job and the many other blessings that are coming your way!  Kudos!  You ROCK!:>) “

 ~Melinda, Favorite Author


“I received your package over the weekend and am quite impressed w/ the brochures, newsletters, etc.  I haven't had a chance to look at the dvd's, yet but I'm sure they are just as nice.  Keep up the good work and I look forward to working with and meeting you in the very near future.”

~Melinda, Favorite Author


That is a interesting site. What your doing is a very good thing because you have the power to touch people on a totally different level. It's a lot easier for someone who has been through something to connect with someone else than it is for someone who sits behind a desk. good for you. It's not very often that someone who feels that strongly about something actually takes the imitative to ACTUALLY DO something about it. That's awesome. Keep at it. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain...”



“I’m glad you are getting back in touch with your friends, we all miss you!”

~Pat .P.


“Not a problem i told her that you helped me and talked to me when i thought i was preggant with my boyfriend and she asked what your sn was and i gave it you..... but thank you for your help from both of us...”

~General Brown School, Girl


“I did look at your website and i think its great, i think what you are doing is fantastic and i hope you have touched the lives of many teens and in the future as well..”

~Paul Harrigan


“Hi Nicky, You are so awesome...Hope everything is well with you.”

~Kimberly Basford-Koe


“Your an amazing mom! :)”

~Jenn Hockey


Great job, Nikki!  You really are making a difference!”

~Mrs. Purvis, General Brown


“Sounds like things went well in Massena. I'm sure you have made a difference to many young people. What a great service you provide.....nothing like hearing from a teen mother what actually is invloved and the hard work and sacrifice it takes.....what a wonderful role model you are.”

~Stephanie Moore


“My sister called me yesterday and mentioned that she saw my name on your email list and she knows you very well....to quote her "one of her favorite students"...  Mrs. Moore. Small world isn't it!”

~Mrs. Caviller, Indian River


“Congratulations, Nicole!  You're doing a great job informing young people about the responsibilities associated w/ teen pregnancy.  Keep up the good work!  PS - The pictures look great. I love the poster w/ the monthly financial breakdown as well as all the other give aways!:>)”


~Melinda Robertson, Author


“Great Idea Nicole! You are always thinking out of the box!” (Regarding my idea for DVD for classrooms)

~Merri Johnson, Realityworks


“Good Luck on the test!!!! I'm sure you'll score high. You are a smart person.”

~Stephanie Moore (civil service test)


“You are so very creative. (DVD presentation for the classrooms) Yes, that you are.  I think that is a GREAT

idea.  Yes, I would be very interested.  I love you idea. Smile ----I can tell you life is going well. Keep it up. You are making a difference in this world........”


“Yes, I can believe you are keeping in touch with people from JCC. 

This is wonderful, by the way.  No stopping you now, girl.  Go go go.”

~Mrs. Arleen Burgess, BOCES teacher


“Great job girl keep up the good work.”


 “I SAW IT! (Nicole on 7 News) GREAT JOB! You sure are working very hard at this important message!!”

~Kathleen Robinson


“Nikki, I am so proud of you as usual.  Keep it up.  You are something that makes me proud to have been a part of.  My four years were not wasted because you continue my efforts.”

~Love, Beth


“Hey sweetie! Saw you on the news! GREAT job! You looked wonderful and Lizzie is growing sooo fast! I am so proud of you. I talk about you all the time!”

~Mrs. Erin King


“My cousin missy said she saw you on tv a little while ago. Thats pretty cool.”

~Meghan Hatch (my “old” best friend)


“I'm happy that you are so happy. You deserve it !!!!!” (Being with Devon)

~Stephanie Moore


“Thanks for your e-mail; it is always
                                    a pleasure to hear from you. I am going to check out your Channel 7 programs.  I
                                    don't get to watch much tv with my full schedule.  I am eager to see it; I am
                                    proud of you!
~Ed Thompson, Professor at JCC


“Thanks for coming in Nicole...the
                                    students always enjoy your presentation.” (2008)
~Stacey Cavellier, Indian River
“I apologize for taking so long to get back to you.  I have not taken the time to write you a formal thank you which I am embarassed about
                                    that I hope you realize how much I appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm when guest speaking.”
~Christine Purvis, General Brown 
“It’s Alicia over at CNN Headline
                                    News. We’re doing a story on teen pregnancy today, and we were hoping you might be available to join us. It’s
                                    about Bristol Palin saying abstinence is unrealistic for teens.”
~Alicia, CNN Headline News (cancelled last minute on February
“I think that yours is a very important
                                    message that the girls need to hear, we also like to get the parents from this area involved too.”
~Kellie                          Comment on my story:

Reality Works, October 2007, Newsletter:


“I just read it. Thats wonderful. I am so proud of you. I know you know what you're doing is amazing but you were giving a gift. A gift to help people, a gift to reach out to others. No one is as strong as you.

Keep up the work and I know you'll graduate."



"Hi, Nicki! Checked out the link and all I can say is: WOW!!! I am so very proud of you! I really wish I could help you in this even given the miles that stand between us. Sigh...But hey, if you do need help in these talks of yours that I may, for some reason, be able to help you with, please just tell me. Your folks must really be proud of you. I know I am. Take care of yourself."



Comments on being on the Star Jones Show

(First T.V. Show, Dec. 19, 2007)


“Congrats Nicole your on your way..”
“Look at you!  I’ve said it before and
                                    now again, I am so proud to know a woman who knows her destiny and message in life. Plan BIG girl because you are more powerful
                                    than you imagine.”

~Angela, Planned Parenthood


“Nicole, you never cease to amaze
                                    me with your accomplishments!!! You
should be very proud of yourself!!”
“Congratulations, Nicole!  May God continue to use you as you educate your peers about 
the responsibilities associated with being a teen parent. 
                                    What an AWESOME opportunity to be 
                                    the Star Jones show.  This is just the beginning of great things coming your way in 2008!”

~Melinda, Author of Motherhood- What you don’t know”


“OMG! That’s all I can say! I'm SO beyond proud of you that makes me so happy that finally you get to REALLY speak out to people about what you've been through and being on the Star Jones show I'm sure is just the beginning for you! It makes me so happy for you!”



“That is awesome!!!!  I continue to be so proud of you!!!!”




~Andrea (From: Community College)


What people had to say about Nicki being in her (old) High School’s Newsletter (March, 2008):

“Wow that is so cool! I'm amazed how the word get's out... although I shouldn't be! It speaks loudly of you and your capabilities!! Take Care Nicki! Talk Soon!”

 ~ Jim


“That is sooo AWESOME..im proud of ya...love ya”

~Nikki Bachner


“Great article about your work!  You’ve done an amazing job of overcoming some tough obstacles!”

~Merri, Reality Works

Good for you!  What good publicity!  You have obviously touched more lives
                                    than you know! Talk to you soon ”
~Chrissy, General Brown 
“That’s pretty cool!”
~Elaine Garvey, Children’s Clinic
“Great story.....how nice. As I have mentioned previously,
                                    You certainly are making a difference.....good for you!!!!”
~Stephanie Moore 
“I saw you and daughter right there in the newspaper the same day. 
                                    They did a nice job.  Smile”
~Mrs. Arleen Burgess, BOCES BCT Instructor 
What people had to say about me being in Watertown Daily Times Newspaper (Front Cover)

July 25th, 2008

Congratulations Nicole!  You do a great job staying in the forefront!

~Merri Johnson, Reality Works


I loved the article and the pholt of you
                                    and Lizzy. You have become very popular with your teen pregnancy program. What a difference you have made. Good for you.

~Stephanie Moore


Congratulations, Nicole! Keep up the good work!

~Melinda Robertson, Author


I saw your interview and pictures in today's paper, you are doing a fantastic job at getting the message out on teen pregnancy prevention which is soo important and doing it all yourself! Great pictures!! Best wishes



Beautiful pics Nicole.....Keep up the "good" work!

~Bonnie Klosner

“What a great article in the Wat.n Times. You certainly are making a name for yourself with the Teen Pregnancy
                                    things you do. When you are passionate about something, it shows. Teens are lucky to have someone to talk to who will tell
                                    them the truth about things. You are making a difference!!!!! Keep up the good work.
~Stephanie Moore


"All speaking is public speaking whether it's to one person or a thousand." ~ Roger Love


(I won the 2007 Jefferson County Youth Bureau Youth Leadership Award.)




"I wanted to say congratulations and I'm very proud of you. I saw you applied to JCC and I just wanted to say that you are my inspiration when times get tough and I think I can't go on. You are a strong, good willed, caring, intelligent, amazing girl and I am honored to know you and to know your story. I also wanted to say you should be proud of yourself and lizzy will be so proud of you when she eventually understands what you did. "



"I had all the faith in you and you deserve great things."



"Your very strong and have a good head on your shoulders."



"Magmahal, magtaya at magpalaya"



"ur amazin for having one so young"



"Wow your incredible and congrats on your graduation soon"



"U sound really brave, especially wiv wot u've been thru! i admire u 4 goin 2 skool aswell, fair play 2 u! Wish u all da best! x"

~Zoe Brooks


"I must say I'm quite amazed by your story and your accomplishments both as a teen and a teen mom."

~Jaymee Waddington


"Wow your doing alot im proud"



"You chose the harder path and I am sure that one day your daughter will thank you."



"I think that you are definetly one of the most brave people I have ever read about anywhere."



"Well congratulations and thank you for the example of taking resonsibility and pursuing you eduacation with a child...for the girls out there who say "I cant finish school with a baby" or "I didnt mean to get pregnant...I'll have an abortion" please look at this example and know that it is possible......God has different plans for us all..."



"Hey Nicki, it's nice to see that you are doing good and enjoying your time with your daughter. You sound like you are a very good mom."



"I am proud of you ! Keep up the good work!"

~Mr S. (Former teacher at my high school: English)





"mommytoele, this is a beautiful story and very well written!"



"You looked great and your presentation was awsome i am sure everyone loved it just as much as me."



"I'm sorry for all the stress you've had to endure.  It's hard to believe you're only 19.  Please go to college, it will be worth it, trust me on that! I wish you the best of luck."



"Thank you Nicole, Thank you for being there when I need someone just to talk  to... you are an angel."



"You are an amazing young lady, Nicky!!"



“I just wanted to tell you that I’m so proud of you for graduating! You look so beautiful in your picture too! You have overcome all the statistics that were taught in health class or sex-ed, and I want you to know you truly are an amazing woman and mother!!!!! Hope everything is going well. Miss you!”



“Congratulations Nicole!!! You deserve to be so proud of yourself...It  takes so much hard work and sacrifice to graduate when you are a teen mom. Your daughter will have a better life because you have made the sacrifices to have a high school diploma. I hope all of your dreams come true!”



"I was at a meeting today and people - especially Trenton Clark - had very lovely things to say about you. You should be really proud for all you have accomplished."



" I know how demanding college can be.....I can't imagine being a Mom on top of that.......my Hat's off to you!!!!"



"I'm very proud of you. As you know, not everyone makes it like you did.  I will always remember you.  You have no idea how many people in my "present life" I've bragged about you to.  Rest assured, when you go to bed at night, somebody admires and loves you -me!"

~Rose Darby (Former principal at my school)


"There aren’t many people in this world like u these days." ~Nikki~


"I cannot describe in words clearly enough of the pride I have knowing you.  You are an amazing young woman and extraordinary mom.  You have grown tremendously since the time we first met…years ago now. Always remember the gift you are. Many blessings for you and your family."
~Angie, Planned Parenthood


“idk how you do it i mean u take care of everything u need to do for the baby and everything do volunteer stuff and help ppl make the right choice”

~Nick Defranco (South Jefferson HS Student)


“Thanks for contacting me!  I’ve heard great things about you and would love to chat some day and see what you know about teen pregnancy prevention in the State of New York.”

~ Merri Johnson, Reality Works


“I seek your help because you where a teen mom”

~ Krissie Bellrose


Great story! Thanks!”

~Kim Fingar


“That’s so wonderful Nicole! Thanks for sending this to me. It’s always great to see others spreading your inspirational message! Hope all is well!!!


Good for you!  What good publicity!  You have obviously touched more lives than you know!”

Talk to you soon-



“great I love getting your good news….take care”

~Mrs. T

“Please know, Nicole, I am always here if you need me. Please take care, best wishes with the job hunt, and keep in touch. All the best”
Courtney, JCC

“Hi Nicole, What an incredible site. I am very proud of you for all that you have accomplished. I wish you every happiness, Nicole. You deserve so much, because you have overcome so much and have made it through. Keep in touch and keep reaching for those bright and brilliant stars.”
Courtney, JCC

“Just wanted to say hey, and I hope you're doing well!”


i saw you on tv thats was pretty cool. iam glad your doing what you are doing, keep it up!!”


You did a great job on your web site, Nicole.   Thanks for sending me the address so I could see it.  Keep up the good work.”  ~Ginny


I have faith in you Nicole and I know you're going to be an excellent author! Congratulations on the new job and the many other blessings that are coming your way!  Kudos!  You ROCK!:>) “

 ~Melinda, Favorite Author


“I received your package over the weekend and am quite impressed w/ the brochures, newsletters, etc.  I haven't had a chance to look at the dvd's, yet but I'm sure they are just as nice.  Keep up the good work and I look forward to working with and meeting you in the very near future.”

~Melinda, Favorite Author

That is a interesting site. What your doing is a very good thing because you have the power to touch people on a totally different level. It's a lot easier for someone who has been through something to connect with someone else than it is for someone who sits behind a desk. good for you. It's not very often that someone who feels that strongly about something actually takes the imitative to ACTUALLY DO something about it. That's awesome. Keep at it. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain...”



“I’m glad you are getting back in touch with your friends, we all miss you!”

~Pat .P.


“Not a problem i told her that you helped me and talked to me when i thought i was preggant with my boyfriend and she asked what your sn was and i gave it you..... but thank you for your help from both of us...”

~General Brown School, Girl


“I did look at your website and i think its great, i think what you are doing is fantastic and i hope you have touched the lives of many teens and in the future as well..”

~Paul Harrigan


“Hi Nicky, You are so awesome...Hope everything is well with you.”

~Kimberly Basford-Koe


“Your an amazing mom! :)”

~Jenn Hockey


Great job, Nikki!  You really are making a difference!”

~Mrs. Purvis, General Brown


“Sounds like things went well in Massena. I'm sure you have made a difference to many young people. What a great service you provide.....nothing like hearing from a teen mother what actually is invloved and the hard work and sacrifice it takes.....what a wonderful role model you are.”

~Stephanie Moore


“My sister called me yesterday and mentioned that she saw my name on your email list and she knows you very well....to quote her "one of her favorite students"...  Mrs.

Moore. Small world isn't it!”

~Mrs. Caviller, Indian River


“Congratulations, Nicole!  You're doing a great job informing young people about the responsibilities associated w/ teen pregnancy.  Keep up the good work!  PS - The pictures look great. I love the poster w/ the monthly financial breakdown as well as all the other give aways!:>)”


~Melinda Robertson, Author


“Great Idea Nicole! You are always thinking out of the box!” (Regarding my idea for DVD for classrooms)

~Merri Johnson, Realityworks


“Good Luck on the test!!!! I'm sure you'll score high. You are a smart person.”

~Stephanie Moore (civil service test)







“You are so very creative. (DVD presentation for the classrooms) Yes, that you are.  I think that is a GREAT

idea.  Yes, I would be very interested.  I love you idea. Smile ----I can tell you life is going well. Keep it up.
You are making a difference in this world........”


“Yes, I can believe you are keeping in touch with people from JCC. 

This is wonderful, by the way.  No stopping you now, girl.  Go go go.”

~Mrs. Arleen Burgess, BOCES teacher


“Great job girl keep up the good work.”


 “I SAW IT! (Nicole on 7 News) GREAT JOB! You sure are working very hard at this important message!!”

~Kathleen Robinson


“Nikki, I am so proud of you as usual.  Keep it up.  You are something that makes me proud to have been a part of.  My four years were not wasted because you continue my efforts.”

~Love, Beth


“Hey sweetie! Saw you on the news! GREAT job! You looked wonderful and Lizzie is growing sooo fast! I am so proud of you. I talk about you all the time!”

~Mrs. Erin King


“My cousin missy said she saw you on tv a little while ago. Thats pretty cool.”

~Meghan Hatch (my “old” best friend)


“I'm happy that you are so happy. You deserve it !!!!!” (Being with Devon)

~Stephanie Moore


“Thanks for your e-mail; it is always a pleasure to hear from you. I am going to check out your Channel 7 programs.  I don't get to watch much tv with my full schedule.  I am eager to see it; I am proud of you!

~Ed Thompson, Professor at JCC


“Thanks for coming in Nicole...the students always enjoy your presentation.” (2008)

~Stacey Cavellier, Indian River


“I apologize for taking so long to get back to you.  I have not taken the time to write you a formal thank you which I am embarassed about that I hope you realize how much I appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm when guest speaking.”

~Christine Purvis, General Brown


“It’s Alicia over at CNN Headline News. We’re doing a story on teen pregnancy today, and we were hoping you might be available to join us. It’s about Bristol Palin saying abstinence is unrealistic for teens.”

~Alicia, CNN Headline News (cancelled last minute on February 18,2009)


“I think that yours is a very important message that the girls need to hear, we also like to get the parents from this area involved too.”

~Kellie Hitchman


“i'm so proud of you your my hero lol you had lizzy at a younger age than i and your accomplishing so much happy soon to be birthday”

~Mindy Lont


I found your website very interesting and thought it is great that you stuck through with everything you wanted to do, even though you had a daughter!!! You seem like a strong willed person with great views on life!!!”

~Chris Chamberlain


Comment on my story:

Reality Works, October 2007, Newsletter:


“I just read it. Thats wonderful. I am so proud of you. I know you know what you're doing is amazing but you were giving a gift. A gift to help people, a gift to reach out to others. No one is as strong as you.

Keep up the work and I know you'll graduate."



"Hi, Nicki! Checked out the link and all I can say is: WOW!!! I am so very proud of you! I really wish I could help you in this even given the miles that stand between us. Sigh...But hey, if you do need help in these talks of yours that I may, for some reason, be able to help you with, please just tell me. Your folks must really be proud of you. I know I am. Take care of yourself."



I miss your ever smiling face around here!  I hope things are well with you and your little one.”

~Mike VanWormer, Hi-Lite Markings


“You are not only an inspiration to her but to many other young

teen Moms”

~Stephanie Moore


“Hi Nicole,I am sooooo happy for you...you deserve to be happy!!!!!  We'll chat again later this week....I'm very happy for you Nikki!!!!” Love, Stephanie Moore


“You’ll make good choices – you’ve had lots of experience with guys who weren’t as they seemed in the beginning. You just have to be careful.”

~Elaine Garvey, Children’s Clinic


Wow, that is great.  You are very fortunate to have the support of your family but, they raised a pretty special girl.  I am sure you have touched others lives in doing what you are doing and maybe even have prevented others from having a baby too soon and having to grow up too soon!


You should stop this crusade.  Continue to do this work and definitely write that book!!!!

~Maureen Milanese, Wells Communications (Marketing)



“Krickett was right when she said that you are truely an inspiration to all. God Bless”....

Love, Stephanie

Hi Nicole,

It’s Alicia over at CNN Headline News. We’re doing a story on teen pregnancy today, and we were hoping you might be available to join us. It’s about Bristol Palin saying abstinence is unrealistic for teens. The interview would air live at 6p Eastern Time. Please give me a call at (404) 827-0862 to discuss the details. Thanks so much for your time.


Alicia Johnson
CNN Headline News




From: "Kellie Hitchman" <kellie@slchiinc.org>  

To: Nicole Kirby <sparkles6930@mail.com>
Subject: May 6th
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2009 13:20:18 -0500


Hello Nicole,


I hope you are well.  I'm sure you are aware that Wednesday May 6th

is the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.  My program is hoping

to have an event in at Hermon- Dekalb Central School.  We aren't sure

what type of event we would like to host, but I wanted to see if you

were available on that day.  If you are available, how do you prefer

to present?  Would you prefer small groups, school wide assemblies,

groups of parents and children?  If that day doesn't work out for you

we would still like to get you to do a presentation for our group of

kids at HD (our group is about 13 girls).  In this group our main

focus is teen pregnancy prevention and healthy adolescent sexuality,

I would love to hear any suggestions on resources or activities we

could work on with them.  Thanks for you time, I look forward to

working with you.






Comments on being on the Star Jones Show

(First T.V. Show, Dec. 19, 2007)


“Congrats Nicole your on your way..” ~Cinquanta


“Look at you!  I’ve said it before and now again, I am so proud to know a woman who knows her destiny and message in life. Plan BIG girl because you are more powerful than you imagine.”

~Angela, Planned Parenthood


“Nicole, you never cease to amaze me with your accomplishments!!! You

should be very proud of yourself!!”



“Congratulations, Nicole!  May God continue to use you as you educate your peers about

the responsibilities associated with being a teen parent.  What an AWESOME opportunity to be

on the Star Jones show.  This is just the beginning of great things coming your way in 2008!”

~Melinda, Author of Motherhood- What you don’t know”


“OMG! That’s all I can say! I'm SO beyond proud of you that makes me so happy that finally you get to REALLY speak out to people about what you've been through and being on the Star Jones show I'm sure is just the beginning for you! It makes me so happy for you!”



“That is awesome!!!!  I continue to be so proud of you!!!!”




~Andrea (From: Community College)


What people had to say about Nicki being in her (old) High School’s Newsletter (March, 2008):

“Wow that is so cool! I'm amazed how the word get's out... although I shouldn't be! It speaks loudly of you and your capabilities!! Take Care Nicki! Talk Soon!”

 ~ Jim

“That is sooo AWESOME..im proud of ya...love ya”

~Nikki Bachner

“Great article about your work!  You’ve done an amazing job of overcoming some tough obstacles!”

~Merri, Reality Works

“Good for you!  What good publicity!  You have obviously touched more lives than you know! Talk to you soon ”

~Chrissy, General Brown


“That’s pretty cool!”

~Elaine Garvey, Children’s Clinic


“Great story.....how nice. As I have mentioned previously, You certainly are making a difference.....good for you!!!!”

~Stephanie Moore


“I saw you and daughter right there in the newspaper the same day.

WOW.  They did a nice job.  Smile”

~Mrs. Arleen Burgess, BOCES BCT Instructor



What people had to say about me being in Watertown Daily Times Newspaper (Front Cover)

July 25th, 2008

Congratulations Nicole!  You do a great job staying in the forefront!

~Merri Johnson, Reality Works


I loved the article and the pholt of you and Lizzy. You have become very popular with your teen pregnancy program. What a difference you have made. Good for you.

~Stephanie Moore


Congratulations, Nicole! Keep up the good work!

~Melinda Robertson, Author


I saw your interview and pictures in today's paper, you are doing a fantastic job at getting the message out on teen pregnancy prevention which is soo important and doing it all yourself! Great pictures!! Best wishes



Beautiful pics Nicole.....Keep up the "good" work!

~Bonnie Klosner


“What a great article in the Wat.n Times. You certainly are making a name for yourself with the Teen Pregnancy things you do. When you are passionate about something, it shows. Teens are lucky to have someone to talk to who will tell them the truth about things. You are making a difference!!!!! Keep up the good work.

~Stephanie Moore


What people had to say about my mall presentation on April 18th, 2009

“Hi Nicki, The display looked great......loaded with wonderful

Information. Have a good one.”  

~Stephanie Moore


“Great picture and I'm sure the presentation is even better! Keep up the good work!


~Peace & Blessings, Melinda Robertson, Author


What people had to say about me having my own place:

“How incredibly wonderful for you, Nicole. All your hard work and patience has paid off, and you deserve much happiness and success. Cheers!

~ Tess Barker, Planned Parenthood-Manager”


“Congratulations Nicki!  Your new place looks wonderful!  How exciting for you and Lizzy!  I'm sure it must be just a huge treat to have a place of your own for just you and Lizzy. The location looks beautiful too.  You are certainly beating the Teen Pregnancy statistics! Keep up the great work”

 ~Merri Johnson, Realityworks


“Beautiful, simply beautiful! You MOM should be very proud of you and all you've accomplished as a teen Mom! Keep up the good work!

~Melinda Robertson, Author


“Looks great!  I can't believe how quickly you filled it up! Congrats again”

~Chrissy, General Brown teacher


“Congrats!  I am so happy for you!”

Chrissy, General Brown teacher


“That looks SO great!  Congratulations!!!

~Elaine Garvey, Children’s Clinic


“Hi Nicole, thanks for sending the pictures......the house looks beautiful!!

You and Lizzy must be so happy to have a place of your own.....yet

still close to family. Can't wait to see it.”

~ Stephanie Moore


“Very nice Nicole! Your place looks fantastic! Congratulations on accomplishing your dreams! That's what I like about you, you have such aspirations and never stop moving forward! I know you and Lizzy will be very happy!”

~ Jim Peters 


“YEAH!!  Very happy for you!”

~Stacy Cavellier, Indian River teacher